layout: true background-image: url('background.png') background-size: cover --- # Biodiversity Risk Asessment in the Oil Sands Region ### *Actionable science for making decisions* ## Andy Crosby | Scott Nielsen | Erin Bayne ### December 15, 2022 <br /> ## <a href="">Presentation Link</a> <br /> ##### Background image credit: Michael Benz --- # **The Roadmap:** -- ## Describing our overall approach -- ## Risk Assessment vs. 'Prediction' -- ## From science to decisions --- # **Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation** ## The world has moved on... # .center[Species are **Vulnerable** to change] ## What can we do? # .center[We can **Adapt** to this change] --- # **Some terms:** ## **Vulnerability:** *Exposure*, *Sensitivity*, and *Adaptive Capacity* of species or systems to environmental change <br /> ## **Adaptation:** intentional adjustments to natural systems to address bioidiversity risks posed by vulnerability <br /> --- layout: false # **Ecosystem Transformation** (Thompson et al. 2022; Fisheries) <img src="transformation.png" width="75%" align="right" /> --- # **Changing Response Pathways in the Boreal ** .pull-left[ ### 1. **Resilience:** historic successional pathway ### 2. **Restructuring:** same composition, new structure ### 3. **Reassembly:** same structure, new composition ### 4. **Replacement:** new composition and structure ### 5. **Regime shift:** no longer a forest ] .pull-right[ ![](response-pathways.jpg) #### (Seidle and Turner 2022; PNAS) ] --- # Effects of Forest Fragmentation .pull-left[ <img src="frag.png" width="100%" align="middle" /> ] .pull-right[ <img src="apparent-competition.png" width="75%" align="right"> #### (Serrouya et a,. 2020; Ecological Modeling) ] --- layout: true background-image: url('background.png') background-size: cover --- # The overall goals of the Risk Assessment framework ## 1. Assess boidiversity risks in terms of vulnerability to landscape and climate change ## 2. Inform the development of adaptation strategies <br > # .center[The key challenge is uncertainty ] --- # **The Problem of Predicting the Future** <br >[We know that the future is uncertain.] <br >[Future ecosystem states are difficult (i.e. *Impossible*) to predict] --- layout: false # **The limits of deterministic modelling** <img src="reg-plot.png" width="70%" align="left" /> --- # **The limits of deterministic modelling** <img src="reg-plot-uncertainty.png" width="70%" align="left" /> --- # **Forecasting and the Risk Assessment Framework** ## What do these things mean? ## .center[Forecasting estimates future conditions based on knowledge of ecological processes] <br >[Risk assessment calculates the probabilities of various outcomes based on the forecasting model] --- # Implementing Risk Assessment <img src="daniel-et-al.png" width="100%" align="middle" /> --- # Failure to consider uncertainty in wildfire and harvest ![](fire-harvest-stochastic.png) ## Greater area burned | Shortfalls in timber harvest --- # Probabilities of maximum harvest shortfall over 100 years .pull-left[ <img src="harvest-shortfall.png"> ] .pull-right[ ## Density distribution of maximum harvest shortfall - ### Mean maximum shortfall of 23% with no climate change - ### Mean maximum shortfall of 61% with climate change ] --- layout: true background-image: url('background.png') background-size: cover --- # From Forestry to Oil Sands ## Wildfire and forest harvesting as baselines in landscape simulation models - ## Models already published or in development ## Seismic line recovery models from BERA ## New grad projects provide fragmentation effects --- # Risk Assessment and Structured Decision Making (SDM) ## SDM is a formal process for making decisions under uncertainty ## Beginning to see greater use in wildlife managemnt ## Requires active participation of managers and stakehoders throughout the process --- # Looking Ahead ## Develop a prototype over the next 6 months ## Publish methods first, then papers on both ecology and management implications ## Develop tools for dessemination --- # Final thoughts ## Decisions need to be made under uncertaitny ## We need to anknowledge and incorporate that uncertianty ## Risk assessemnt is a powerful tool for accomplishing this goal ---